With A Little Grace was founded on the idea of sisterhood. I wanted to share everything from values to style tips with my littlest and much younger sister, Grace, in the form of this journal. That's what my sisters closer in age to me, Molly and Tess, and I naturally do. My "seesters" and I share tips, tidbits, style secrets, sales, workouts we’re loving, the latest news, and other favorites with each other via our “seester” text group chat.
My sisters, Molly (center) and Tess (right), and me
So it only seemed fitting to let you all in on the chats—to share the things here that I would share with my sisters. But just as the actual sister group text is exclusive, so will these chats be. A semi-regular email of my latest go-to's and current favorites will be sent out to my subscribers. (I know we all hate unnecessary or unhelpful emails clogging our inbox, so I vow to keep these short, sweet, and something you won't want to miss!) This will include songs or podcasts I'm listening to, other blogs or books I'm reading, sales or styles I'm eyeing, products I can't live without, and more—the kinds of things you'd find in our "seesters" chat. These are things I may not need (or have the time) to write a full blog post about, but that I still want to share with others who might enjoy them. If you’re interested in receiving these exclusive emails and you don’t already receive With A Little Grace emails, sign up here.
To our wonderful male readers and subscribers, fear not! Many of the tidbits included in Seester Chats are of interest to both women and men. Feel free to share the more feminine favorites with your own sister, girlfriend, wife, or mom (I'm sure she'd love to know about the dress sale going on at Boden—or maybe you just found the perfect gift for her!)
If you're not on the email list, subscribe here so you don't miss out on these exclusive emails! If you already subscribe, check your inbox for the first Seester Chat, sent out this morning to all current subscribers. Anyone new who subscribes today will receive the first Seester Chat as well!
All three of my “seesters” and me, two years ago, at Molly’s graduation